EZ Data Logger is a small data logger software. It can be applied to small remote I/O system. With its user-friendly interface, users can quickly and easily build a data logger software without any programming skill.
Main features:
- Support DCON, Modbus RTU, Modbus Ascii, Modbus TCP(support IP and Domain name) protocols
- Support mutiple COM Ports and TCP/IP connections
- Support Virtual Channel definition
User can operate the data into the virtual channel by channel tag names easily. For example: VC3 = (AI_2 AI_3) / 2
- Support Control Logic (VB Script)
User can edit the script to set the output values or to caculate data into virtual channels. You can get/set the channel values by channel tag names. For example : If AI_2 > 50 Then DO_3 = 1
- Support Alarm Notifier (by sending SMS or E-Mail)
User can set the engineer's cell phone number and email address. When the channel value over the alarm value or back to normal, the contact messanger will send a message by SMS (using GSM Modem with PDU mode supported) or by E-Mail(using ethernet).
- Flexible module configuration
Each module and I/O point can have different description and color
- Flexible workgroup configuration
Each channel can be assigned to any workgroup.